Fallout: New Vegas – %100 Türkçe Yama

Menü ve Görevler  % 100 Görev Açıklamaları  % 100 Notlar  % 100 Terminaller  % 100 Diyaloglar  % 100 Altyazılar  % 100 Bu yama  OyunÇeviri Ekibi  tarafından adına hazırlanmıştır. -Yama Update 7 ( ile uyumlu hazırlanmıştır. -Ultimate Edition ile uyumludur. -Yamayı kurduktan sonra oyunu Launcher.exe’den başlatıp Veri Dosyaları’nı tıklayın, ardından FalloutNV-TR.esp’nin yanındaki kutucuğu işaretleyin. -Oyun içinden Altyazıları açmayı unutmayın. NOT: Yama bazı modlarla sorun çıkarabilir.  Yamanın Türkçeleştirdiği içerikler: -Fallout New Vegas -Caravan Pack -Classic Pack -Mercenary Pack -Tribal Pack ÖNSÖZ Bu RPG oyununu Türkçeye kazandırmanın hazzını yaşıyorum. Özellikle geniş evrene, ve derin hikâyeye sahip Fallout gibi bir oyunu çevirmek, şahsım adına gurur verici bir olay. Oyunculukta üst boyut olduğuna inandığım Rol Yapma oyunları her zaman ilgimi çekmişti. Çizgisel olmayan oynanış, farklı yollardan gidebilme, değişik stratejile...

DU Privacy Vault – App Lock APK v2.3 Download Free for Android 4.0.3 and up

DU Privacy Vault – App Lock APK v2.3 Download Free 

Download DU Privacy Vault – App Lock Latest Version APK for Free.

In this modern period privacy from others has become an essential part of life. If you are searching for such privacy of your Android device, tablet and smartphone then DU Privacy Vault APK is the top option for you. From down here on this page you can download the completely free Android app of DU Privacy Vault and keep all of your device data safe and sound from other with this great App Lock. It can defend your secrecy and confidences as well as lock down your all secretive apps. This Android app lock also hides and express in code your every sensitive videos and photographs.
Download free DU Privacy Vault App Lock from our site and keep safe your data from snoopers. It comes with bundle of great features you must experiment this astonishing App Lock and Privacy Guard at once on your Android device. With this excellent app lock you can easily lock any kind of app in your Android device or tablet by just locking them up and protect your privacy form every one. It is much useful for your all secluded snapshots so you can encrypt and hide your images and lock down them with your selected password. 
DU Privacy Vault – App Lock APK v2.3 Download Free for Android
With DU Privacy Vault – App Lock you can also hide and encrypt your private videos and clips because it does the similar work for videos and video clips. This amazing App Lock helps you to hide and encode your personal videos and clips even they are on social media platforms such as WhatsApp, LINE, Facebook or Instagram. Means that, this most admirable and featured rich app support you to hide and encrypt your all media files and documents. 
DU Privacy Vault – App Lock offers more incredible, astonishing and more advance lock covers by these lock covers you can lock your device lock screen too. Moreover it also has some progressive and radical covers like Fingerprint Screen covers and Fake app crash covers and many more. One of the amazing feature of this Android app lock is it Prevent Uninstallation. When you have the Prevent Uninstallation feature turned on, you have protected it from the access of everyone, and nobody can remove your DU Privacy Vault form your android device or smart phone without your permission. Your permission will be compulsory to uninstall it form your Android device or smart phone. 
Therefore, now you go to protect your secrecy and confidences and it is much easier to lock the app of your device or tablet. For that you simply need to open the App Lock function and then just tap the Lock button of the app that you want to lock. Even if you want to encrypt your video clips and images then you need to first open the private photo or private video function and then select your private image or video and clicking on “Hide” button. 
In addition to this whenever you need to change your existing password, then you need to DU Privacy Vault – App Lock turn on first and go to Setting then password setting and modify your password. Whenever you forget your existing password don’t worry about it you can easily reset your unlock password. 
For all above and furthermore simply download the APK file of DU Privacy Vault – App Lock totally free from below given downloaded link. Just install this surprising Android App lock on your device or smart phone and protect your all private data form snooper eyes. Download the App’s APK file right from below! It’s completely free. 


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