Fallout: New Vegas – %100 Türkçe Yama

Menü ve Görevler  % 100 Görev Açıklamaları  % 100 Notlar  % 100 Terminaller  % 100 Diyaloglar  % 100 Altyazılar  % 100 Bu yama  OyunÇeviri Ekibi  tarafından adına hazırlanmıştır. -Yama Update 7 ( ile uyumlu hazırlanmıştır. -Ultimate Edition ile uyumludur. -Yamayı kurduktan sonra oyunu Launcher.exe’den başlatıp Veri Dosyaları’nı tıklayın, ardından FalloutNV-TR.esp’nin yanındaki kutucuğu işaretleyin. -Oyun içinden Altyazıları açmayı unutmayın. NOT: Yama bazı modlarla sorun çıkarabilir.  Yamanın Türkçeleştirdiği içerikler: -Fallout New Vegas -Caravan Pack -Classic Pack -Mercenary Pack -Tribal Pack ÖNSÖZ Bu RPG oyununu Türkçeye kazandırmanın hazzını yaşıyorum. Özellikle geniş evrene, ve derin hikâyeye sahip Fallout gibi bir oyunu çevirmek, şahsım adına gurur verici bir olay. Oyunculukta üst boyut olduğuna inandığım Rol Yapma oyunları her zaman ilgimi çekmişti. Çizgisel olmayan oynanış, farklı yollardan gidebilme, değişik stratejile...

WiFi Free APK Latest v3.0 Download Free for Android 4.1 and up

WiFi Free APK 

Simply download the WiFi Free App and start to grab the passwords of every WiFi network nearby you based on your locality. Factually this App is not password hacker or something like that. WiFi Free is an authorized application which lists passwords of WiFi networks shared by true people who are living around your locality. You can take the initiative to find the WiFi hotspot if you are interested or living near in an area such as five star hotels, café or any other famous public places with availability of WiFi networks, then WiFi Free works more accurately and more successfully.
WiFi Free APK Latest v3.0 Download Free for Android
Suppose you are living very nearer to a famous café in Washington DC and you know the password of WiFi networks available there and you want to help other people living around there, you can simply share the password of the networks with WiFi Free APK. All WiFi passwords shared by you will be automatically detected by other users who are living nearby that famous café with WiFi Free App and they will also be able to connect to the Internet by using your shared WiFi Free password.
With this Android App you can easily find out any famous WiFi hotspots in range of 5 kilometers and you can enjoy free Internet on the fly by using Wifi Free Android APK. One of the smart and unique functions of WiFi is it will remind you whenever any WiFi hotspot is available nearby you.
More over if you are not able to find out any public hotspot nearer to you, simply wait for a while unless somebody living nearby you will share the password any available WiFi network on the app. If you know as such password of any network then you can easily share it with other peoples around you to help them to find out an Internet connection for free browsing.
WiFi Free will never tentatively record any WiFi hotspot information on your Android device, smart phone or tablet unless you tentatively share a WiFi hotspot.
Download the APK file of WiFi Free smart App form below and start sharing password with others to help them while finding out any Internet connection with the help of WiFi Free Android App on the go!


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